
Monday, May 28, 2007

نبوی اعتراف می کند:صدام حسین

اينم اعترافات نبوي كه اصلش رو ميشه اينجا ديد:
"من که خودم این فیلم رو نداشتم، کسی گذاشته توی بالاترین...توضیح کاربر بالاترین چنین بود: چند سال پیش زمانی که بحث اعترافات سیامک پورزند مطرح بود. مجموعه ای طنز بنام اعتراف از تلویزیون صدای آمریکا پخش شد.این یکی از همان مجموعه است که به اعتراف صدام حسین مربوط است. این قسمت از صدای آمریکا پخش نشد.
*جان مادرتان اگر از مجموعه اعترافات من چیزی دارید برایم ارسال کنید و اگر هم ارسال نمی کنید،نکنید!"


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Thursday, May 24, 2007

خرمشهر آزاد شد

آن روزها را درست به ياد ندارم! حكومت جور تنها خودش كور نيست. همه را كور ميكند، دوست را و دشمن را. و من هم جز اين نبودم و شايد (هنوز هم) نيستم. اميد كه آنقدر كور نباشيم كه سربازانمان را فراموش كنيم. اميد كه آن روز را هميشه به ياد داشته باشيم. و اميد كه چنين روزي را هرگز دوباره نبينيم!



Tuesday, May 22, 2007

ناديا انجمن

يادم ميايد كه دو سال پيش براي دوستانم نوشتم:
"فغان و درد تا گردون، که ديدگان بسته ايم و خاموشي چشمان ديارمان را به نظاره نشسته ايم: مرگ ناديا انجمن شاعره افغان، فرياد بی آوا، يادهاى آبى روشن و رشته‏هاى پولادين، ناديا انجمن، و باز هم ناديا."

امروز مطلبي خواندم در اين مورد. گويا شوهر ناديا به زبان آمده است! قاتلي كه ميگويد: "خانم انجمن برای "خودشيرينی" زهر خورد"!!!!!


Monday, May 21, 2007

Nazanin Afshin Jam: Ms. Canada 2006

Do you want to more about her? Check this out.


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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

مرجانه ساتراپي - پرسپوليس

"پرسپوليس اولين فيلم مرجانه ساتراپي است که بر اساس زندگينامه مصور خود نوشت او ساخته شده است. مرجانه ساتراپي درايران نام شناخته شده اي نيست، اماشايد بتوان از او به عنوان معروف ترين هنرمند ايراني در فرانسه نام برد.حتي معروف تر از عباس کيارستمي، که شهرتش بيشتر در جامعه روشنفکري فرانسه است... ". سرگذشت پرسپوليس را اينجا بخوانيد.



Friday, May 11, 2007

Woman goes naked in Iran against the pressure for Hejab!


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Thursday, May 10, 2007

The 100 Top Brands 2006!



رنگ نيناش ناناش!



Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Persian canal discovery is testament to ancient engineering skills

"In 480 B.C., King Xerxes (خشايارشا) of Persia ordered his men to build a canal a mile and a quarter long through a peninsula in northern Greece - conceivably one of the biggest engineering assignments of its time....

In the 2,500 years since, historians have debated whether the famed Canal of Xerxes was really dug all the way from coast to coast. Some have doubted its existence, pointing to a rocky plateau that they argue would have made the construction an impossible task for workers of that day.

Now, scientists from Britain and Greece have come up with what they say is conclusive evidence that the canal was indeed built. Using geological information gathered from several yards below the earth's surface, where the structure now lies buried, the scientists have drawn a map detailing the canal's dimensions and course. The findings confirm the description given in an account by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, which some scholars have long regarded with skepticism. "

Read the rest here. Some more information can be found here.


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Friday, May 04, 2007

قمه زنی

اینشتين میگه : "2 چیز انتها نداره یکی وسعت کهکشانها و دومی حماقت انسانها ، اما من تو اولی شک دارم !! "



Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Sean Penn's letter to Bush and an observation

First of all, dear Mr. Penn: respect, admiration and thanks to speak the truth.
Second, this is a part of his speech about us Iranians:
"You want to rattle sabers toward Iran now? Let me tell you something about Iran, because I've been there and you haven't. Iran is a great country. A great country. Does it have its haters? You bet. Just like the United States has its haters. Does it have a corrupt regime? You bet. Just like the United States has a corrupt regime. Does it want a nuclear weapon? Maybe. Do we have one? You bet. But the people of Iran are great people. And if we give that corrupt leadership, (by attacking Iran militarily) the opportunity to unify that great country in hatred against us, we'll have been giving up one of our most promising future allies in decades. If you really know anything about Iran, you know exactly what I'm referring to ....... Of course your administration belittles diplomatic potential there, as those options rely on a credibility and geopolitical influence that you have aggressively squandered worldwide."

Unfortunately the following part of his speech is vanished (!!!) from its written versions (1, 2) :
" ....... I’m talking about the majority youth who are the most pro-separation of church and state, forward thinking inspired young people I have met anywhere on the planet........"

The funniest thing is that I couldn't find a copy of this speech in well-known and recognized magazines!!!

Finally, I would like to be humble and say, at least some of us Iranians are not very sure that we are the most forward thinking inspired young people on the planet (1) ! If he sais so, we need to prove it. For the moment, we are speechless. Hopefully one day, when we have freedom as in the USA (!!!), we will do this.


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